Senior’s Ministry Pastor – Steve Henton


Pastor Steve’s Bio:

Steve Henton began full time ministry in Paducah, Texas at the First Christian Church in 1973.  Steve grew up in Bryan, Texas, graduating from Stephen F. Austin High School in 1965.  He then entered T.C.U. where he received his B.A., and later earned his Master of Divinity from Brite Divinity School.

Steve pastored Rockwood Christian Church in Fort Worth, Texas, being the senior minister there since 1984.  In 2005 Rockwood moved and adopted a new name (Heartsong Fellowship) while beginning a building program, which is located near the Windy Ryon Rodeo across form Meacham Field.

Later Heartsong Fellowship and the Creek Church merged and joined in ministry at the new location.  Steve was on staff in charge of several ministries.

Steve has been married since 1973 to the former Becky Rangel.  They have two children, Ami and David and 5 grandchildren.  Becky is a retired elementary school counselor (after 40 years of service).  She is very active as a volunteer, counselor, and serving where the Lord leads.

You can email Pastor Steve at: